Hey all you book lovers! This is a little info on me as I start this blogging journey.

I've wanted to blog for years but have been so scared to take the leap to do it beyond posting reviews to online platforms and GoodReads. What made me take the leap? The enjoyment and encouragement I've found through Bookstagram!! I've met so many amazing people in the book community thanks to this creative outlet!

I'm a wife, mom, and avid book nerd with a passion for YA, Fantasy, NA, and Contemporary. As most readers say, I've been a lover of books for as long as I can remember. From sitting on the floor of the book store from the time I was young to the countless hours I could spend roaming each aisle today, books are my passion.

As I mentioned a bit ago, I have a bookstagram account (@vixenreads) and a Twitter account (@vixenreads) where I post photos of books and talk about, yep, you guessed it, books!

Hopefully I don't bore you to tears with my reviews. I like to keep them short and sweet because I'm not one that cares to read an extensive review! If you ever want to talk books, feel free to email me or look me up on social media!!

This blog will be a learning process for me as I don't know how to make everything all fancy right now LOL.

Peace, Love and Books,


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